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Yazan’s Story

March 8, 2024

Yazan is a 10 year-old Jordanian boy. He only has hearing loss in one ear, so he only wears one hearing aid. His hearing was affected when he developed meningitis when he was younger and had a high fever. Since he has always been able to hear, Yazan has always been quite independent. He is the oldest son in his family and is often doing things like going to the store for his parents.

Yazan and his parents are very happy with the hearing aid. Before, he was having issues at school because it was difficult for him to hear and understand his teacher. Now, he has no trouble understanding his teacher, even if he sits in the back of the classroom. Yazan told us that he hears much better now and when people talk their words are much clearer for him. This has made it much easier for him to play with his friends. When we asked him about his friends, he said that he goes outside and plays more often now thanks to his improved hearing.