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Video recording now available: Expert panel discussion on “Accessible Prosthetics in Gaza”.

Get Involved

We are seeking champions of our cause.

Giving of their precious time.
Empowering through their expertise.
Sharing their social influence.
Investing their capital wisely.

Together we will make a powerful impact.

We are seeking philanthropic partners.


We realize each foundation has their own dynamic purpose and focus. We are looking to build funding relationships, with those who share our passion for hearing, the Middle East, and refugees. Also, we are looking for funding partners, who have a long term perspective. Because we know that real impact doesn’t happen in a 12 month funding cycles. If your interested, we would be thrilled to talk with you and learn more about your goals.


We are seeking donors aligned with our values and individual donors with a long-term perspective. We want donors who are interested in helping us build capacity so that we can sustain the benefits we deliver. We are searching for donors that are looking for social return on investments. If you are interested in looking holistically at supporting system change solutions, we would love to talk to you. 

Country Donors

We are seeking country donors interested in making an impact in Jordan and Syria. Countries with a focus on better health accessibility for refugees and vulnerable populations. Countries that are interested in helping children with hearing loss gain a path towards education.

Corporate Donors

We are seeking corporations that are interested in a proven model to increase access to hearing health for vulnerable global populations. They could have a focus on accessibility tied to positive social impacts.