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Salam’s Story

April 8, 2024

In January, we visited Salam and her family. They live in a village in northern Jordan between Mufraq and Azraq. When we asked how the hearing aids Salam received from 3DP4ME are working out, both Salam and her parents were very excited about the difference they have made.

Salam’s father and younger sister told us that now it is so much easier to communicate with his daughter. Now they are able to speak with her, and she understands what they are telling her. Her father also talked about how this has improved the relationships with their extended family. Before the hearing aids from 3DP4ME, Salam’s father explained to us that big family events such as weddings and funerals were very difficult for Salam. She couldn’t understand what people were saying and what was going on around her. This was embarrassing for her and because of this, she never wanted to go. Now, thanks to her improved hearing, she is able to communicate with her relatives easily and now enjoys going to these events. This has been a big relief for Salam and her entire family.

When we asked how school was going, Salam told us that before the hearing aids, she was not able to understand her teachers very well, so her parents had to help her a lot with her assignments when she got home. It was almost like she had to redo the lesson at home. But now that she has her new hearing aids, she is able to understand and follow her teachers in class. Her parents said that now, Salam is able to do her homework on her own and they don’t have to reteach her the lessons. Her mother told us that this was a huge benefit for her, because now she has more time to take care of the younger kids and do her housework. Her father proudly talked about the difference he has seen in Salam’s grades since she started wearing the hearing aids.

Self Confidence
Finally, Salam’s father talked about how the hearing aids from 3DP4ME have improved her self confidence. Before, Salam was not able to go places by herself because she couldn’t hear the cars on the road. Her father was afraid to let her go to the store by herself because of the danger. Now, with her new hearing aids, Salam is able to go outside and do many things on her own. She has no trouble going to the store and buying things for her mother. She can go out and play with her friends. This ability to do things on her own has greatly increased her self confidence and how Salam feels about herself.

Optimism About the Future
We were very excited to hear about the impact the hearing aids have made in Salam’s life. She is obviously a very intelligent child and has big dreams. When we asked her what she wanted to be when she grows up, she told us, “an airplane pilot in the military.” With her improved hearing and improved self confidence, she is thriving in school and can continue to work towards this dream.