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Interview with Rush & Jason on Future of XYZ, hosted by Lisa Gralnek

July 22, 2021

The World Health Organization estimates that less than 3% of people in the developing world who need a hearing aid have one. This week’s guests on Future of XYZ are harnessing the power of technology and 3D printing to change this.

Tune into Episode 37 as Jason Szolomayer and Rush LaSelle talk about the ‘Future of Additive Manufacturing’.

Jason runs the nonprofit startup 3DP4ME (3D printing for the Middle East) and is currently based in Jordan where their pilot initiative will provide thirty thousand hearing aids to Jordanians over the next 5 years. Rush brings deep experience in robotics and disruptive mobile technologies to his role as GM & Operations Director at Jabil, a $30B global leader in manufacturing.

In this fascinating exploration of “the long arc of manufacturing”, we discuss the democratization of supply chains and demand for talent as personalized manufacturing expands throughout the world, and the incredible design freedom and “force multipliers” that come from producing “not a million of one, but a million ones”.

As these guests and other additive manufacturing innovators look to “serve real human needs with practical 3D printing”, we can all agree- “manufacturing is becoming cool again”!

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Website: https://www.future-of-xyz