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Belgium Ambassador to Jordan Hosts a “Working Lunch”

February 16, 2024

We are so grateful for H.E. Ambassador Serge Dickschen for hosting a special luncheon at his own residence where we could share our aspirations for 3DP4ME.

Also, we were so thrilled to have His Royal Highness Prince Mired Bin Raad as a guest of honor.

Overall, we had 14 other guests including 6 Ambassadors, other diplomats, and Jordanian business leaders.

It was a wonderful time to share and brainstorm, to see how we can have a greater impact together!

The Belgium Ambassador’s entire team did a fantastic job hosting the event.

As 3DP4ME we remain focused on:
Empowering patients to walk, move and hear with 3D printed prostheses and hearing aids.

"The purpose was to increase visibility around and garner support for 3DP4ME’s activities in Jordan. 3DP4ME has been helping children with hearing impediments by providing hearing aids to refugees and Jordanians alike. Founder Jason Szolomayer and his team also presented their latest project: designing and creating, with the help of 3D printing technology, lower limb prostheses. We are proud to contribute to their endeavor to make Jordan a more inclusive society, and we are grateful for His Royal Highness’ support and unflagging efforts to uphold the rights of persons with disabilities. 🤝 🇧🇪 🇯🇴" #Belgiuminjo