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Amir’s Story

We recently met with an 8 year old boy named Amir. When we visited him we sat with his mother, father, uncle and several cousins, so we received feedback from many family members. They shared that Amir has had hearing issues since birth which has caused him to be shy and struggle in school.

We asked the family to share about how Amir’s life has changed since receiving his hearing aids. The family told us that Amir has a lot more self-confidence now since he started wearing the new hearing aids. Before, he was shy because he couldn’t understand others, but now he is very social and talks all the time. His parents said now, “Amir never stops talking.”

Amir shared that when he first started wearing his hearing aids, kids bullied and teased him. But because of his improved hearing and confidence, he stood up to the other kids and told them, “This is how I hear!” The kids then respected him.

The family has also seen a big improvement in Amir’s grades since he started wearing hearing aids. This is because before, he wasn’t able to understand his teacher but now he can. Because Amir can now understand what the teacher is saying in class, he no longer needs his parents’ help Amir with his homework. He told us proudly that he does it on his own.

Amir’s parents and uncle all said they are much more relaxed now that Amir is wearing the hearing aids and his hearing has greatly improved. They shared that before, they were worried about him getting hurt because he couldn’t hear what was happening.

When we asked Amir about his dreams, he said he wants to become an airplane pilot when he grows up. Our hope is that with his improved hearing as a result of the hearing aids, he can begin to work towards that dream.