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Abu Khalil’s Story

September 21, 2021

Recently we started tenant improvements in our Jordanian office, based off a $50,000 grant we received about 6 months ago. Our hope was to create a space that, through design, communicated we “treasure” our clients. We are not finished just yet, but we wanted to give you a little sneak peak.

Also, we want to highlight Abu Khalil’s storyas one example of a refugee doing incredible work. He is our trusted building contractor, for 3DP4ME in Jordan.

Below is Abu Khalil’s story:

“My name is Abu Khalil and I am originally from the Homs Governorate in Syria. Before the crisis, I was living comfortably and studying to become an electrician.

In 2011, the Syrian crisis began due to the lack of security and safety. In my area the army was everywhere. You heard everyday of bombings, killings, and arbitrary arrests. On a daily basis, we were under constant threat.

Life had become so difficult and harsh. We had a hard time making a living because of the army’s siege of Homs.

I could not live in my country any longer – every minute was accompanied by fear that you would be arrested or killed.

Some good news! During August of 2013, I got married in Syria.

Four months later in November 2013, we fled Syria as refugees into Jordan. We left behind the crisis and fear of death to embrace security and a hope for a better future for our family.

In Jordan, I continued studying in the field of electricity. I started working as a building contractor and growing a small referral business.

Now, I have 4 children.”

Abu Khalil is still working hard everyday! We hope to finish with the reception area soon, so that we can hire an administrator to welcome our first potential clients, who we will conduct client interviews with families.


3D model for our reception area.

Demolition Phase Videos & Pictures Below

Creating room for a new wheelchair ramp for additional bathroom access.



Did you know? Basically only 1 out of 50 people in the developing world have a hearing aid that need one. That’s why 3DP4ME has launched a great initiative to provide underserved communities with hearing aids through 3D printing. Starting with kids ages 6-10, as are first 50 clients.

We are currently looking for more Champions to donate $500 or more to launch the pilot our project “The Hearing Express” in Jordan. So far our generous champions have given more than $43,000.

YOU have an opportunity today to become a CHAMPION.

Click here to learn more, how you can make an impact!


Building Phase- Videos & Pictures (Not finished just yet).