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Expert Blog, Sharing our 3DP4ME Story

November 24, 2019

A big thanks to Dr. Jenny Chen and the 3DHEALS community! We are thrilled at the opportunity for our founder Jason, to write a guest blog sharing the 3DP4ME founding story.



Connect innovators and early adopters on a single platform in healthcare 3D printing, bioprinting, and related technologies.

Educate global communities in language people understand.

Discover startups/innovators. Give them a world-facing stage to be visible.

3DHEALS History

As a radiologist, 3D printing really blurs the line between the digital imaging world and the physical world. Three years ago,  I wanted to make my own models to help the surgeons I work with, but there was no clear pathway. In addition to cost, the software and hardware were both challenging to use. There was no instruction. That’s why I started 3DHEALS, initially a small meetup group in San Francisco, to meet people who could help me with achieving my own goal of making a model. However, very soon, the group attracted talented professions from many different disciplines: engineering, healthcare providers, entrepreneurs, scientists, and more. Everyone brings in expertise from their own background, and our meetings soon become more formally organized events, first in SF, then all over the world.

The format of having people from different backgrounds to have direct conversations with one another is well received. At 3DHEALS events, ideas can become reality, blueprints can be an actual product. Together, we share the vision that 3D Printing will be one of the major forces that will revolutionize healthcare.

In the past two years, with the help of 30+ dedicated community managers, 3DHEALS has grown from a single city to now over 20+ cities all over the world and growing. Today, we are actively building 3DHEALS both offline and online, and wish geography will no longer pose as a barrier for members in this group to connect, innovate, and succeed together. Our mission will remain to: educate, connect, and discover in healthcare 3D printing and bioprinting space.

-Jenny Chen, M.D. Founder/CEO, 3DHEALS

3DHEALS Members

Everyone who is actively engaged or simply interested in the application of 3D printing technology in the healthcare sector is invited to join. This includes, but is not limited to, healthcare professionals, entrepreneurs, developers, investors, designers, and regulators. We welcome everyone from medical, dental, and bioprinting communities to join us. Join the Tribe now, and let’s tackle daring projects together!