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Video recording now available: Expert panel discussion on “Accessible Prosthetics in Gaza”.

DETAX Partnership

DETAX has committed to provide training for 3DP4ME in Jordan.

DETAX is one of the worldwide leading manufacturers of high quality medical products. For more than 65 years, DETAX have been developing biocompatible silicones, light curing resins and high performance 3D composites for medial applications. As medical device manufacturer, DETAX is certified according to the latest standards for medical devices. DETAX products are exported to over 100 countries around the world.

Markus Stratmann, is the Product Application Manager 3D at DETAX.

He is an expert in hearing aid production (Siemens / Sivantos), as well as application topics, service and laboratory experience with a 3D printer.

Markus is passionate about helping 3dp4me. Once 3DP4ME is operational, he is committed to come to Jordan and provide us a week of “hands on” training. Also, he is committed to providing us ongoing video conferencing support to resolve any technical issues we might have in the future. 3DP4ME is so thrilled to have DETAX’s support!