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Greetings from Jordan! We are excited to share with you that we just completed our first week of scanning our first fifty beneficiaries in our office. Our expert in 3D Scanning, Dr. Brian Fligor, came from Boston and conducted the scanning. Our office was full from morning to evening, with the play area busy with kids playing together. Different partners from around Jordan were able to stop by throughout the week and get their ears 3D scanned. We were able to hear stories from each family about how hearing loss has impacted their child and their families lives. While the effects of hearing loss deeply impact individuals and communities here, we are hopeful that with the gift of hearing aids we will be able to see children’s lives changed and communities influenced.

Thank you for your continued investment and support of 3DP4ME. This is just the beginning! We are so excited for what lies ahead for 3DP4ME.