Celebating Our Kids!
The big day finally came! All our team’s hard work paid off when we saw 35 of our precious kids’ faces light up, when we welcomed them into the sparkling room for our Hearing Express Party on February 22nd! These kids, whom we serve with hearing aids and holistic care, are our heroes, so we wanted to celebrate them, tell them how special they are, and introduce them and their parents to each other to begin building an uplifting community. The Children’s Museum was the perfect kid-friendly place to pack out for our party, and it was a delight of a day! We feasted on fabulous food, face-painting, photo shoots, balloons, budding friendships, Adam & Mishmish-inspired fun, and special gifts from our sponsors. The smiles, laughs, encouragement and inspirational words will satisfy our hearts for weeks to come!
Quotes from the Kids & Parents about the Day
One boy said, it was the best day of his life!
His Mom said, “Thank you for making beautiful memories for our kids!”
One Mom said, “It was such an extraordinary, special day! You have changed us emotionally!”
Another said, “Thank you for caring so much about our kids. We hope we can meet together always!”
One Dad said, “The party was incredibly special! We enjoyed it so much and are so happy!”
So Thankful to 3DP4ME's Sponsors
Party Invitations
Photo Gallery
Our Party Sponsors
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