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Video recording now available: Expert panel discussion on “Accessible Prosthetics in Gaza”.

2nd meeting with, His Royal Highness Prince Mired Raad Zeid Al-Hussein

His Royal Highness is the President of the Higher Council for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (HCD) in Jordan. HCD’s vision is to see “a society in which people with disabilities have a decent and sustainable life that will grant them effective participation based on equity and equality”.

Jason met with His Royal Highness at the HCD’s new offices last week, on October 21, 2020.

Jason shared our 3DP4ME vision, to create a state-of-the-art advanced manufacturing facility providing scalable solutions for a range of assistive devices to those in need in the Middle East.

His Royal Highness graciously listened and shared his insights with Jason on how to start well in Jordan.