


亚津是一名 11 岁的约旦男孩,从出生起就有听力问题。因为听力问题,他从 3DP4ME 获得了一套助听器。我们拜访了亚津和他的家人,了解他佩戴助听器后的情况。他的母亲告诉我们,自从他开始佩戴助听器后,他的自信心增强了,在人前也更自在了。这是因为他能够听清别人在说什么,也能听懂别人在说什么。他的两个哥哥告诉我们,在佩戴助听器之前,亚辛和他们说话时几乎都是大喊大叫。但现在,亚辛说话的声音更正常了。这种情况在有听力问题的儿童身上很常见,我们从 3DP4ME 为其他许多儿童配戴助听器的经历中也听到了类似的故事。



我们最近会见了一个名叫阿米尔的 8 岁男孩。我们去看望他时,与他的母亲、父亲、叔叔和几个表兄弟坐在一起,因此我们收到了许多家庭成员的反馈。他们告诉我们,阿米尔从出生起就有听力问题,这导致他很害羞,在学校很吃力。






亚赞是一名 10 岁的约旦男孩。他只有一只耳朵有听力损失,因此只能佩戴一个助听器。他的听力是在小时候发高烧患脑膜炎时受到影响的。由于一直都能听见,亚赞一直都很独立。他是家里的长子,经常替父母做一些事情,比如去商店买东西。


一月份,我们拜访了萨拉姆和她的家人。他们住在约旦北部穆夫拉克和阿兹拉克之间的一个村庄里。当我们问及萨拉姆从 3DP4ME 获得的助听器效果如何时,萨拉姆和她的父母都对助听器带来的改变感到非常兴奋。

萨拉姆的父亲和妹妹告诉我们,现在与女儿沟通容易多了。现在他们可以和她说话,她也能听懂他们在说什么。她的父亲还谈到,这改善了他们与大家庭的关系。在佩戴 3DP4ME 助听器之前,萨拉姆的父亲向我们解释说,婚礼和葬礼等大型家庭活动对萨拉姆来说非常困难。她听不懂别人在说什么,也不知道周围发生了什么。这让她很尴尬,正因为如此,她从来不愿意参加。现在,由于听力得到了改善,她可以轻松地与亲戚们交流,现在她很喜欢参加这些活动。这让萨拉姆和她的全家人都松了一口气。


最后,萨拉姆的父亲谈到了 3DP4ME 助听器如何提高了她的自信心。以前,萨拉姆不能自己去一些地方,因为她听不见路上的汽车声。她的父亲不敢让她一个人去商店,因为会有危险。现在,有了新的助听器,萨拉姆可以自己出门做很多事情。她去商店为母亲买东西时不会遇到困难。她可以出去和朋友们玩耍。这种自己做事的能力大大增强了萨拉姆的自信心,也提升了她对自己的感觉。


Toleen 是一名 12 岁的女孩,她通过 3dp4me 获得了助听器。她目前就读于六年级。Toleen 喜欢画画,非常有创造力。

在接受 3dp4me 提供的助听器之前,Toleen 在参与学校作业和与班上同学交流方面遇到了困难。佩戴助听器后,她在学校和社交方面的参与度有了真正的提高。现在,她能够独立完成家庭作业,与同学的交流也更加轻松。

虽然 Toleen 有时会有点害羞,但她在提高口语方面取得了很大进步。


Khaled had a mischievous twinkle in his eye and was already teasing the audiologist the day he came to be fitted for his hearing aids. The audiologist kidded along, enjoying Khaled’s playful interactions, while his mom and dad both grinned, obviously used to their son’s light-hearted nature. They eventually had to pretend to get serious and focus him, so the audiologist could finish his work. Finally, after a series of button probes and beeps –– new pathways were opened, and Khaled could hear!

This smart little spark plug is just 7 years old, in second grade, and already has grand plans to be both an engineer and a doctor! Good thing he is now able to hear, thanks to the custom-made devices provided by 3DP4ME’s generous donors and thanks to the fine tuning that’s been done in follow-up visits to make sure they fit properly.

Khaled was fortunate to survive the accident that caused his hearing loss to begin with. He had a bad fall and suffered head trauma and hearing loss, among other issues. The gift of hearing he has received has made a real difference in his life, restoring his ability to communicate well with his family and big circle of friends. Thank you to those of you who have donated to the work of 3DP4ME!

We were instantly welcomed with six broad smiles, firm handshakes and customary kisses, when we entered the Abu Fakher home in the Gaza Camp in the historic city of Jerash, Jordan.  The visit was especially for Fakher and Mohammad, 12-year-old twins who both received hearing aids from 3DP4ME last year, but it seemed that no one in the home wanted to miss out.  Even the youngest toddler, peeked his head around the corner to show his interest, before shyly ducking into the other room.  Their mother was from Jordan, and their father and grandfather were from Gaza, but settled in Jordan years ago.  Their grandpa lamented they had lost 30 family members in this current war on Gaza.

Fakher and Mohammad’s challenges clearly did not limit the love and acceptance they received in their home.  They oozed confidence, each with his own robust personality. 

Mohammad stood tall with broad shoulders and the surprising self-assurance of a capable young man.  He took charge, graciously led us in and showed us to our seats on the traditional Arabic cushions that outlined the floor of the room.  He is clearly a leader – thoughtful, responsible, curious and engaged in everything happening around him.  With piercing eyes, he proudly showed us his brightly colored hearing aids (apparently, he did not want “boring” nude-colored ones), and his family remarked on how much easier it is to communicate with him now that he has good devices.  Before, they had to write everything down for him; now they just speak, and he understands.  Many of us take that luxury for granted, but they sure don’t.  He can also understand the teacher in school now and even walk to school by himself.  Plus, now the neighborhood kids are actually playing with him, since he can communicate.  For a kid like Mohammad, bursting with potential, we feel compelled to do our part to help him succeed, and clearly, the gift of hearing has opened a huge door for his present and his future.

Both boys were born two months prematurely, and their mother nearly died in childbirth.  They spent the first two months of their lives in incubators, fighting for their lives.  Their soft-spoken mom held out her delicate hand and said in Arabic, “This is how big they were.”  We marveled with her at how they were spared and how there must be very special purposes for them in the world.  

Fakher has additional physical and developmental challenges due to oxygen deprivation in the traumatic birth.  He has trouble processing information and speaking clearly, but he has no trouble at all connecting and engaging with people.  During the visit, he was constantly interacting and beaming, as he tried to communicate his excitement about a multitude of things.  He, like his twin, possessed a captivating charisma, confidence, and contagious vibrance.   And thanks to his colorful hearing aids provided by 3DP4ME’s generous donors, hearing is not as daunting of an issue anymore.  He has other battles to fight, but his family is thankful that one obstacle has been minimized for their spirited preteen and that some of life’s burdens have been eased for all of them.   

Thank you for giving to lighten life’s load for kids with profound hearing impairments who live in underserved communities.  

We parked our compact car in the dirt, piled out and trekked off to find Amjad’s house, leaving puffs of dust in our wake as we made our way down the scrawny alleyway. Amjad, 14 years old, lives in the largest Palestinian refugee camp in Jordan, in a row of flats around the corner from a black and white cow tied up outside the butcher’s shop. Three of us from the 3DP4ME Team wanted to deliver his new custom-fit hearing aid molds and check on how he and his mom were doing. Chivalrously, he met us on the street to guide us to their door.
He shared about how much better life was at home, school, and the neighborhood since getting his hearing aids, and he was very pleased with his new molds, which fit snugly. We were impressed with how much more confident he was since our last visit and thrilled to hear that he was wearing his aids constantly.

We told him the day before we had a sad visit with a little boy who was too ashamed to wear his aids at school because he gets bullied. Amjad agreed to make a video for us to send to the other boy, encouraging him to wear his devices at school and to not let the bullies bother him. When I asked him what he would advise the younger boy to do if kids teased him, without hesitating he said, “Tell them ‘God forgive you!’ and let it go!”

One of our dreams is to begin building a little community like this where our patients can share their struggles and victories together and champion each other along the challenging journey. Thanks for your donations, which help give the gift of hearing and change lives, one at a time.
截图 2024-01-04 at 2.24.17 PM

故事 1:亚辛

- 约旦
- 11 岁
- 自出生起就有听力问题
- 家中第三个孩子
截图 2024-01-04 at 2.24.26 PM

故事 2:迪玛

- 约旦
- 9 岁女孩
- 她自出生起就患有听力损失
截图 2024-01-09 at 2.24.15 PM

故事 3:阿米尔

- 约旦
- 8 岁
- 出生时就有听力问题
- 长子
截图 2024-01-17 at 3.07.28 PM

故事 4:亚赞

我们在 2023 年 4 月为他提供了最新的助听器。
- 约旦
- 10 岁
- 只有一个助听器
- 因脑膜炎丧失听力
- 由于听力损失,他在学校遇到了问题
截图 2024-02-05 at 10.14.47 AM

故事 5:萨拉姆

- 约旦
- 11 岁
- 出生时就患有听力损失
截图 2024-05-21 at 10.23.52 AM

故事 6:托琳

- 约旦
- 12 岁
Screenshot 2024-09-20 at 10.25.37 AM

Story 7: Khaled

• Jordanian
• 7 years old
Screenshot 2024-10-30 at 10.48.14 AM

Story 8: Fakher & Mohammad

• Jordanian
• 12 year old twins
Screenshot 2025-01-08 at 10.57.59 AM

Story 9: Amjad

• Palestinian
• 14 years old