
Sigue a 3DP4ME

Help 5 Children to Walk & Play Again!

We have raised 81% of our goal.

Jordan pilot: your support will enable us to launch our pilot this year to fit 5 children with 3D-printed prostheses. (still need to raise $34,000 USD)

By starting a fundraiser, you will play a crucial role in transforming the lives of five children in a pilot in Jordan that we can expand to serve even more children in Gaza. Your support will help provide these children with custom 3D-printed below the knee prostheses, enabling them to walk, play, and enjoy their childhood once again. Every dollar raised through your efforts will contribute to the creation of life-changing prosthetic limbs, giving these children the mobility and independence they deserve.

3,000 to 5,000 people are estimated to need a prosthetic solution in Gaza.

Only 9 doctors trained as prosthetists remain

Many rehabilitation clinics were destroyed

Jordania da

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The ‘Step by Step’ pilot project will deploy 3D scanning and printing technology to provide 5 children with a prostheses.

The “Step by Step” pilot in Jordan, is partnering with experts in the USA to:

  • Finished Jordan office into a new prosthetic clinic.
  • Hired a prosthetist, 3D technician and a project manager.
  • Currently training the prosthetist and 3D technician on-site.
  • Use 3D scanning and printing for custom prosthetic sockets.
  • Fit 5 children in Jordan with prosthetics.
  • Integrate physiotherapy and psychosocial support in the care model.
Future Step – Pilot 5 kids in Gaza: (Next Fundraising Round)
  • Ensure approval from the COGATE authorities to ship all the components into Gaza.
  • Finalize an MOU with potential implementing NGOs partners in Gaza.
  • Expand to serve 5 kids in Gaza with holistic lower limb prosthetic care in a pilot.
  • Train staff in Gaza how to 3D scan the child’s residual limb.
  • Create a scalable model to aid INGOs and health partners in the region.