
تابع برنامج 3DP4ME

آخر الأخبار

سام أونوكوري ، مستشار جديد - رئيس متقاعد من جونسون آند جونسون 3D الطباعة الابتكار

Sam has over 30+ years of experience in R&D; Commercialization of medical devices and an extensive background as a material scientist in his career. He is currently engaged in advancing innovation with various Industry thought leaders, healthcare practitioners and 3D ...

إقرأ المزيد
العلاقات العامة والإعلام

إنتل تجعل التكنولوجيا في متناول الأشخاص الذين يعانون من ضعف السمع

In collaboration with Intel and Accenture, 3DP4ME is using 3D printing to bring assistive technology to people in developing countries. 3DP4ME, an Intel RISE Technology Initiative partner, is currently piloting its project in Jordan, taking scans of children’s ears and ...

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آخر الأخبار

من برنامج تجريبي ناجح إلى نطاق مستدام

Introduction 3DP4ME (“3D Printing For Me”), has made significant strides in its mission to provide innovative healthcare solutions to underserved communities in the Middle East. Established as a US 501(c)(3) in 2017, 3DP4ME is committed to fostering sustainable healthcare through ...

إقرأ المزيد
آخر الأخبار

أيام الإنتاج 3D

103 molds are finished! Last week was our first production week where we had the honor to host Dominic Schmidt, our 3D Printing Expert for hearing aids, in our Jordan office/lab. In the beginning of the week, we faced challenges ...

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آخر الأخبار

صور مجانية لليوم الطبي

Enjoy seeing the photos from our recent free medical days in Jordan! 3DP4ME’s Hearing Express Project, is focused on improving access to hearing aids for underserved communities.  We had the privilege to work along side the Queen Nour Foundation’s (IFH, ...

إقرأ المزيد
العلاقات العامة والإعلام

المادة وسائط التصنيع المضافة (شكرا ستيفاني هندريكسون)

Read our latest article about 3DP4ME… https://www.additivemanufacturing.media/articles/3d-printing-startup-to-deliver-custom-hearing-aids-to-8000-people-over-next-five-years Special thanks to Stephanie Hendrixson & Peter Zelinski! Additive Manufacturing Media is a part of Garner Business Media, Inc. They provide media solutions to industrial manufacturing markets. By helping build brand + increase ...

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